The ami2emi project has been moving along. As in, it actually works for a number of cases now. Configure cloud parameters for AWS and Euca, run a script, and boom: your chosen AMIs are brought to life on your Euca cloud. When it works, it Just Works. It’s cool. 🙂

Note that these cases do *not* yet cover configuration of the applications themselves — just the images.  The bits might still need to be twiddled to get the apps working properly, but all of the actual bits are successfully transferred into the new image, and the new image successfully spins up instances, and you can ssh to them and everything.

The AMIs that can currently be auto-slurped into Eucalyptus successfully share certain characteristics:

1. They carry their own kernels inside the image. On the AWS side, that means they’re linked against the stock pv-grub kernels, and we link them similarly to the kexec-loader kernels on the Euca side.

2. They’re instance-store images, rather than EBS-based images. At least so far.

You can find the list of currently tested images here. That list will expand rapidly as we have time to run more test cases.

Note the large number of Bitnami instances in this list. That must be because they’re Crazy Awesome.

So, give it a whirl. Patches exceptionally welcome, since it’s heinous bash scripting and I can use all the help I can get. At least I document my code, sorta. 🙂