Look kids! Big Ben! Parliament!

London’s a great city, and it’s full of great advocates for Ansible. To everyone I met at the meetup earlier this month: thanks for coming. It was a delight to be able to meet all of you.

I wasn’t expecting to speak at this inaugural meetup, but due to a last minute cancellation (Richard, hope the family is doing better) I found myself pressed into service. I’m not really much for presentations anyway, so it was no hardship; Ali Asad Lotia and Mudassar Mian provided the technical firepower, and then when it was my turn to speak, I fell back on my tried and true strategy of asking questions and listening. This was the first opportunity a lot of people in London have had to talk with someone from Ansible in the flesh, and I’ve learned how very important it is just to meet people where they are and share stories with them.

The first thing I generally do when speaking with a roomful of users, whether I’m giving a formal presentation or not, is to survey the room for expertise. I tend to ask the same series of questions: “who has heard of X? who uses X? who uses X extensively?” What impressed me most about the crowd in London was how many of the hands stayed up through all of those questions. These were serious, serious users of Ansible. Granted, it was an Ansible meetup, so I expected more expertise than at a typical generic meetup — but it seemed as though there were hardly any novices at all.

Except for me, of course. ๐Ÿ™‚

There were a lot of questions; I think we had more than an hour of Q+A. The audience was engaged, not only with me, but with one another; the crowd frequently came to my aid when I didn’t have an answer, and by the end of the evening, I was pretty much an afterthought as people in the crowd carried on their own conversations.

The evening also confirmed the good senseย of our decision to hold our first AnsibleFest outside of North America in London. Stay tuned for details on that front soon.

Thanks again to all who attended. Looking forward to my next pint and curry.

Look kids! Big Ben! Parliament!

Where’s Euca next?

Eucalyptians are hanging out all over!

  • OSBC – Hyatt Regency, San Francisco, CA: May 21 – 22
  • GlueCon+CloudCamp, Broomfield, Colorado : May 22 – 24
  • RootCamp Berlin – Berlin Fair Grounds, Germany: May 25 – 26
  • SouthEast Linux Fest: June 8-10

If you see someone in the Euca gear, stop by and say hi.ย  We’ve got lots of cool new stuff to talk about.ย  ๐Ÿ™‚

Where’s Euca next?

EucaDay NYC: you are there!

On Wednesday April 25th, Eucalyptus will be hosting our first EucaDay. It’s a friendly little gathering of customers, partners, and community, and it’s free to attend. If you’re in the New York City area, you can register right now.

Of course, not everyone will be able to make it to New York City for this event. That’s ok, too — you can still attend and participate. For the sessions led by Marten Mickos (head honcho), Tim Cramer (lovable despot of engineering) and myself (community guy), we will be transcribing them live and in their entirety to IRC: #eucalyptus-meeting on freenode. In the morning session, Marten will go from 8am to 8:30am, and Tim will go from 8:30am to 9:30am. In the afternoon session, I will go from 3pm to 4:30pm, and then Marten will wrap up at 4:30pm. (All times in the Eastern US timezone.)

The community session will be particularly interesting, mostly because I’ll only be speaking for a small part of it. ๐Ÿ™‚ We will be running a Eucalyptus mini-film-festival, where members of our community will link to short videos, and then take questions and answers on IRC afterwards. See what actual community members are doing, right now, to make Eucalyptus more useful.

The great thing about IRC is that you can fire up your client and lurk all day, if you like. Just read back for the interesting bits. ๐Ÿ™‚ Logs will be available as well, as with all Eucalyptus meetings on IRC.

So. Join us on freenode, #eucalyptus-meeting, for the day on Wednesday. Lurk or jump in. Not being in NYC doesn’t mean you can’t join the fun.

EucaDay NYC: you are there!