Shoes for the Cobbler’s kids

We’re big fans of the Cobbler project here at Eucalyptus. We think it’s the best tool in the open source world for bare metal provisioning.  We’ve invested in a gigantic QA environment for continual integration testing, and Cobbler is one of the linchpins of that environment. It’s the kind of tool that’s best appreciated by sysadmins who deal with *a lot* of systems.

I’m sort of attached to Cobbler personally, since I watched it grow out of Red Hat’s Emerging Technologies team several years ago. Now it’s grown past its Red Hat roots to become a truly independent project — and independent projects need support from time to time.

The Cobbler folks have set up an Indiegogo campaign to raise some funds for some much-needed infrastructure, and as proud Cobbler users, we are proud to help them out. Their goal is to raise $4000, and Eucalyptus will match every donation, dollar for dollar, until they reach their goal.

If you’ve used Cobbler and it’s helped you do your job, pitch in. The campaign is running for two more weeks; let’s help put them over the top.

Shoes for the Cobbler’s kids