OLPC a “failure” in Peru

According to the Economist. Ah, but here’s the rub. From the article:

Part of the problem is that students learn faster than many of their teachers, according to Lily Miranda, who runs a computer lab at a state school in San Borja, a middle-class area of Lima. Sandro Marcone, who is in charge of educational technologies at the ministry, agrees. “If teachers are telling kids to turn on computers and copy what is being written on the blackboard, then we have invested in expensive notebooks,” he said. It certainly looks like that.

The laptops are necessary, but not sufficient. It’s the classroom environment itself that does not scale. Now take the next step, Peru, and get these kids using something like Khan Academy.

OLPC a “failure” in Peru

5 thoughts on “OLPC a “failure” in Peru

  1. cjbatolpc says:

    I can see how the program might be considered a failure if “students learn faster than many of their teachers” was considered to be a negative outcome, instead of the entire point. 🙂

  2. Greg, Peru is such a challenging project environment and the country’s implementation of OLPC flawed on so many levels that “using Khan Academy” alone would do fairly little to improve it IMHO.

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